Business Partner Integrity Due Diligence


Ambu’s value of “Team Up”  is our North Star of working together with external stakeholders and business partners in our quest towards developing innovative that rethink solutions to save lives and improve patient care. We strive to conduct business with organisations and individuals that share Ambu’s commitment to ethical standards, local laws and regulations, international frameworks, and that conduct business in an ethical, legal and socially responsible manner.

We expect our business partners to comply with all relevant laws and regulations, as well as Ambu’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners. Ambu’s business partners must conduct their business in line with internationally recognized and endorsed standards in key areas such as anti-corruption, human rights, labour conditions, sustainability, business ethics and compliance. Failure to fulfil these requirements may result in discontinuation of the business relationship.

At Ambu, we also conduct a due diligence review of the relevant business partners in scope, ensuring that before an agreement or transaction with a business partner is entered into, an assessment of the integrity of the business partner is made.


The purpose of due diligence is to honor Ambu's commitment to integrity and:

  • to review business partner organizations' compliance and level of business integrity
  • to assure the business activities conducted in an ethical and transparent manner.

The due diligence assessment is an important step in the commencement, continuation and renewal of business relationships between Ambu and distributors, resellers, wholesalers, etc.

How it works

  1. The process of business partner integrity due diligence is an essential step in ensuring and attesting to the fact that Ambu and its third parties carry out reputable, qualified, and sustainable business.
  2. The process takes the form of a questionnaire, which is to be filled out by the local Ambu’s representative responsible for the interaction with business partners in the scope, a so called “Integrity Due Diligence Questionnaire”.
  3. The due diligence process will be executed by Ambu, with profile reviews and gathering the information of the business partner.
  4. Ambu will get in touch with the business partner when necessary and if they need more details or clarification.
  5. The due diligence process is repeated depending on the results of risk profiling. The business partner must be reassessed every 2-3 years.

The process consists of six elements

Contact the Risk & Compliance Team

We invite you to contact us via email with any queries or feedback regarding our Business Partner Integrity Due Diligence.

Read about our latest sustainability efforts

Download our annual report and find out more about our sustainability strategy and initiatives in the sustainability section.

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