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High-growth medical device company and market leader within single-use endoscopy.

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Dec. 2024

Decisions of the annual general meeting of Ambu A/S (no. 9)

Today, 4 December 2024, Ambu A/S held its annual general meeting, at which the following items were adopted: 

Approval of the Company’s annual report and consolidated financial statements  
The presented audited annual report for the financial year 2023/24 was adopted by the shareholders. 

Approval of the remuneration report  
The proposed and presented remuneration report for the financial year 2023/24 was adopted by the shareholders. 

Approval of the appropriation of profit in accordance with the adopted annual report  
The Ambu Group reported a net profit for the year of DKK 235 million. 

The Board of Directors proposed a dividend of DKK 0.38 per share of nominally DKK 0.50 so that a dividend in the total amount of DKK 102 million be paid out of the net profit for the year, corresponding to 43% of the Group’s net profit, whereas the remaining part of the net profit be carried forward to next year. 

Approval of the Board of Directors' remuneration for the financial year 2024/25  
The Board of Directors proposed that the remuneration of the Board of Directors, which was most recently adjusted for the financial year 2020/21, be increased for the current financial year (2024/25) as follows: 

  • Ordinary members of the Board of Directors receive basic remuneration amounting to DKK 400,000. 
  • The Chair receives three times the basic remuneration (DKK 1,200,000). 
  • The Vice Chair receives twice the basic remuneration (DKK 800,000). 
  • In addition, each member of a Board committee receives remuneration of DKK 132,000 per committee seat, however, the Chair of a Board committee receives remuneration of DKK 200,000 per chairmanship.

Election of Chair of the Board of Directors   
Jørgen Jensen was re-elected as chair of the Board of Directors. 

Election of Vice Chair of the Board of Directors  
Shacey Petrovic was re-elected as vice Chair of the Board of Directors. 

Election of other members of the Board of Directors  
Michael del Prado, Susanne Larsson and Simon Hesse Hoffmann were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors.  

Furthermore, David Hale was elected as a new member of the Board of Directors.

Election of auditor  
EY Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab was appointed as the Company’s auditor in respect of statutory financial reporting as well as assurance engagements relating to sustainability reporting.  

Authorisation to the Chair of the meeting      
The Chair of the meeting was, with full right of substitution, authorised to apply for registration of the resolutions passed and to make any such amendments thereto as the Danish Business Authority or other authorities may require or request as a condition for registration or approval, as well as to continuously make and apply for registration of linguistic and other non-substantive adjustments to the company’s Articles of Association. 


Meeting adjourned.

Read and download the full company announcement here


Dec. 2024

Reporting of transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities (no. 8)

Pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation, article 19, Ambu A/S hereby notifies receipt of information of the following transaction(s) made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in Ambu A/S and/or their closely associated persons related to Ambu A/S’s shares admitted to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S.  

The attached document discloses the data of the transactions made in Ambu shares. 

Read the company announcement here, as well as the attached documentation.


Nov. 2024

Reporting of transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities (no. 7)

Pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation, article 19, Ambu A/S hereby notifies receipt of information of the following transaction(s) made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in Ambu A/S and/or their closely associated persons related to Ambu A/S’s shares admitted to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S. 

The attached document discloses the data of the transactions made in Ambu shares. 

Read the company announcement here, as well as the attached documentation.

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