Manikin Child CRiSis™ with Advanced Airway Management

The Manikin Child CRiSis simulates a 5-year-old child for CPR and advanced airway management training, including tongue edema and laryngospasm. It features a realistic anatomy with palpable and visual landmarks. The head, neck and jaw are fully articulated, allowing the jaw thrust maneuver.


  • checkBasic Child CRiSis Manikin for PALS training
  • checkUpgrades with modular components
  • checkTraining of CPR and airway management
  • checkLaryngospasm and tongue edema (manual)
  • checkFully articulated head, neck, and jaw
  • checkOral, nasal and digital intubation
  • checkSeparate left/right lungs for auscultation
  • checkSuctioning capabilities
  • checkCarotid and femoral arterial pulse (manual)

General information

Airway management

The realistic airway allows the training of ET, EOA (esophageal obturator airway), EGTA (esophageal gastric tube airway) tubes, laryngeal masks, Combitube® and King Systems. It features also a stomach bladder for an esophageal intubation and has separate left and right lungs for auscultation. In addition, oral, nasal, and digital intubation as well as suction techniques can be trained.


With additional modular components, the manikin can be upgraded to feature additional functionalities of the Deluxe Child CRiSis Manikin.

Spare parts

There are no spare parts or accessories for this product.



file_download Training Manikins Catalogue
(15.38 MB - pdf)

